As parents, we have an instinct to get nervous when our child takes on new responsibilities. And if you have a 15, 16, or 17-year-old getting behind the wheel, it can be nerve-wracking. They are learning and inexperienced, after all, which poses more risks for them. Here are some tips we have for parents with a teen driver:
Don't rely solely on driver education
High school drivers' ed class may be convenient to learn driving skills, but it doesn't always result in safer drivers. Parents should do a little teaching of their own and set good examples when they drive. This will reinforce the lessons your teen may have learned in class.
Restrict passengers
Having too many passengers, especially other teens, in a vehicle can distract a beginner driver and lead to peer pressure into taking more significant risks. The best policy to have is to restrict teen passengers at the beginning of their driving journey.
Practice driving with them
We highly advise that you play an active role in teaching your teenager how to drive. The best way to do this is by setting a list of practice sessions in a wide variety of settings, including night driving. The practice drives should be spread out and continue even after your teenager get his license.
Be a role model
Kids and teens learn a lot by example, so please practice safe driving. It's been shown that teenagers who have more crashes and violations have parents with bad driving records.
Emphasize safety belt use
Your child is probably tired of hearing this, but you should constantly bring it up again. Research shows that seat belt use is less among teenagers than older people. Please urge your teen to wear their seat belt at all times.
Have the drinking and driving talk
It's always important to have this discussion with inexperienced drivers. Please clarify that it's illegal and extremely dangerous for teenagers to drive after drinking alcohol or using any other drug.
We hope some of these tips can calm your nerves as a parent. It indeed is an exciting time in your teen's life, so don't forget to enjoy it with them. To ensure your teen drives are safe, feel free to have them come by South Denver Automotive for an inspection.